To financially assist CFA Physiotherapist Special Interest Group members to attend conferences, seminars, meetings that will help us achieve our mission. We offer $1000 per calendar year which can be awarded in entirety to one member or shared between more than 1 member.
All members who have relevant post-graduate qualifications as per our membership criteria. Members who commit to presenting at our end of year AGM for a least 10-15 minutes.
Submit the form below, preferably at least 6 weeks before the event. Committee members will review the request and notify the outcome via email. If successful you can claim reimbursement of awarded amount, by forwarding a copy of the relevant receipt/s and your banking details to contactus@cfaphysios.com.au
Selection criteria in order of importance.
Members who meet the eligibility criteria.
Previous attendance/presentations at our events, committee membership, mentoring to our members and contribution by research will be considered of utmost value.
Applications that best address the membership’s identified needs.
Those that haven’t yet received this funding before are considered over who have been awarded funding in the last 5 years.
When funding was awarded more than 5 years ago applicants will be considered equally to those that have never received funding.